Web sites are great tools for generating business. And with today’s growing market, websites are truly the keys to success. However, there are also dangers that can be evident in having a website. Go into any search engine and type up a word and within seconds thousands of possible site matches will appear. A person who does not know the ins and outs of web navigation will quickly get lost in the mire and sink taking your business down with them.
For centuries, professional photographers usually got their connections and work through word of mouth. If you have a good clientele, they will be happy to pass your name around and give your praises and recommendations. But once you have people calling your name it does not mean that you are all set. Advertising is a way to keep your name on the people’s lips and a proper web page is an extremely important advertising tool.
Imagine the websites for photographers as their own portfolio that you may carry around with you every day. You are out there constantly looking for opportunities to show your talents. Your website is your online portfolio that you will use to show to the thousands or even millions of people you will not likely get a chance to meet.
Plopping that information on your site without any planning can be hazardous to your business health.
If your site is cluttered with too many photographs and not enough information, the potential customer may get turned off and look elsewhere to spend their money. It is better to show a range of pictures to show your different styles and skills but not overpower the site visitor. It should also give the reader enough information to make them feel as though they have been talking with you in person. Your website should first and foremost be your business card. A site that doesn’t include a contact number, address or a means of communicating can actually turn a potential customer away with just a simple click. Remember you are not there to flash your pearly whites and do your song and dance to keep their attention. The site should be considered as a representative of everything you can do for them and give them ideas and possibilities.
There is a delicate balance between showing what you can do and giving information. If your site is lacking in either, your business will take the brunt of the loss. When people visit your site, they will not be looking primarily for how many photographs you have done. This is a fact that they can care less about. What they are looking for is if you have the talent and skill to do a specific job for them. Keeping that balance will be essential to their wanting to have a business relationship with them.
If you can remember this, then your website can be a true asset to your business. Your ability to slice through the unnecessary and strike that balance will be the key to a successful website.
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